The story of Jody Noland shows us how pain can
awaken us to our purpose. How have you seen that happen
in your own life, as well as in the lives of others? When you
look back at your life, is there a common theme you can
identify? Are the events of your life speaking to you in
some way? How could you respond?
Chapter 2
The story of Ginny Phang shows us how even when we
feel alone, there are people there to help guide us. Are there
people in your life who showed up at just the right time?
Can you look back and see your own accidental
apprenticeships? Who are the people in your life influencing
you right now?
Chapter 3
The stories of Stephanie Fisher and William Hung show
us how we can sometimes practice the wrong things,
whereas Martyn Chamberlin’s story illustrates how a calling
can be something you may not have considered. How have
you pursued the wrong thing in life? Have you ever
succeeded in something that you weren’t passionate about?
Was there a time when you tried a new skill only to discover
you were naturally gifted at something you didn’t know
anything about?