Chapter 4
The story of Ben and Kristy Carlson shows how
successfully pursuing a dream is less about taking a giant
leap and more about building a bridge over time. How can
you start building a bridge today that will lead to your
Chapter 5
The story of Matt McWilliams illustrates how failure isn’t
always an enemy but can be an ally that helps us get closer
to our life’s work. How has something that initially looked
like failure to you been the very thing you needed to
succeed? What’s something you feel like you’re failing at
right now? What might that be telling you about your
Chapter 6
The story of Jody Maberry shows how a calling isn’t a
job so much as it is a portfolio of work that you create. What
would your ideal portfolio look like? Of the five different
types of work Charles Handy shares, which have you
Chapter 7
The fictional account of Mr. Holland helps us see how