Science - USA (2021-07-16)

(Antfer) #1

we assume a spatially varyingTc(Fig. 4B).
In a polycrystalline film grown on a non–
lattice-matched substrate, this could be caused
by subtle variations in the oxygen stoichiom-
etry, strain, or other nanoscale disorder as-
sociated with grain boundaries ( 29 , 30 ). Atomic
force microscopy measurements of the mor-
phology provide an approximate length scale
for this heterogeneity (fig. S11). Based on this,
and the temperature-dependent diffraction
measurements that show a broad transition
(fig. S7A), we model the inhomogeneousTcas
a spatially correlated random field with a cor-
relation length of 25 nm and a range ofTc
variation of 20 K.
Under the action of an electric field applied
to theM1phase att= 0, after an incubation
period, theRphase first begins to nucleate in
regions with lowerTc(Fig. 4C, movie S1, and
fig. S12) followed by the local formation of the
metastablemMphase domains (h≈1,m≈0).
Although the metastablemMis not a stable
equilibrium phase in the bulk, it is stabilized
here through interfacial interactions with the
Rphase. An interface betweenM1andRin-
volves a variation in bothhandmand thus has
a higher interfacial energy compared with that
varies. When the size ofM1domains neigh-
boring the growingRphase domains shrinks
below a critical length scale (on the order
of 10 nm),mMis locally stabilized, which
leads to a reduction in the total free energy
of the inhomogeneous system. This mech-
anism is consistent with a previous study of
temperature-dependent IMT in epitaxial VO 2 /
VO2-dheterostructures ( 2 ). Furthermore, our
simulations show that the intrinsic time scale
for the formation of a singlemMdomain
(white regions in movie S1) could be smaller
than 1ms, which suggests that the 10- to 100-ms
lifetime measured in the experiment is caused

by the integration of the UED signal over the
device area.
In two-terminal devices made of VO 2 or
similar materials, it has been suggested that
the E-IMT turn-on time is limited by electrical
and thermal parasitics ( 16 ). Although switch-
ing times of 0.5 to 10 ns have been demon-
strated, the intrinsic speed limits of material
transformation under electrical bias have been
unclear ( 14 , 20 , 26 ). Our observation of simi-
lar transient phase dynamics during ultrafast
P-IMT and slower E-IMT points toward a
universality in their transformation path-
ways, thereby identifying the speed limits for
electrically triggered switching. Furthermore,
given that the isostructuralmMphase exists
on microsecond or shorter time scales, it is
likely that neuromorphic Mott oscillators ope-
rating at megahertz and higher frequencies
sample a complex phase space of structural
and electronic states ( 17 , 31 ). Finally, taken
together with recent transport studies ( 32 ),
our results establish ultrafast electrical exci-
tation as a promising method for inducing
nonequilibrium phase transitions—in much
the same way that ultrafast photoexcitation
has been used to uncover hidden order in ma-
terials ( 33 ). We anticipate that our work will
motivate a search for electrically induced meta-
stable phases across the broad spectrum of
solid-state devices.


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We thank P. Muscher, A. Reid, S. Weathersby, M. Trigo, and
S. Bohaichuk for helpful discussions and Q. Lu, A. Liang, and
A. Poletayev for providing comments on the manuscript.Funding:
This work is supported primarily by the US Department of
Energy, Office of Science, Basic Energy Sciences, Materials
Sciences and Engineering Division, under contract no. DE-AC02-
76SF00515. MeV-UED is operated as part of the Linac Coherent
Light Source at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory,
supported by the US Department of Energy, Office of Science,
Office of Basic Energy Sciences, under contract no. DE-AC02-
76SF00515. Part of this work was performed at the Stanford Nano
Shared Facilities (SNSF)/Stanford Nanofabrication Facility (SNF),
supported by the National Science Foundation under award
ECCS-2026822. The computational effort of Y.Sh. and L.-Q.C. is
supported as part of the Computational Materials Sciences
Program funded by the US Department of Energy, Office of
Science, Basic Energy Sciences, under award no. DE-SC0020145.
S.R. acknowledges AFOSR FA9550-18-1-0250 for support.
Author contributions:A.S. and A.M.L. conceived the project;
A.M.L., W.C.C., X.W., and S.R. supervised the experiments; L.-Q.C.
supervised the theoretical calculations; A.S. fabricated the
devices with contributions from S.K., M.Z., and S.J.P.; Y.Su. and
S.R. grew VO 2 films; A.S. led the development of the electrical
pump–UED probe setup and performed UED experiments with
X.S., S.J.P., and M.Z.; A.S., X.S., and A.M.L. analyzed and
interpreted the data; Y.Sh. and L.-Q.C. performed phase-field
simulations and electrothermal calculations; A.S. wrote the
manuscript with inputs from all authors; and A.M.L. directed the
overall research.Competing interests:The authors declare no
competing interests.Data and materials availability:All data
underlying the figures in the main text and supplementary
materials, as well as the UED analysis code, are deposited at
Zenodo ( 34 ).

Materials and Methods
Supplementary Text
Figs. S1 to S13
References ( 35 – 42 )
Movie S1
23 April 2020; accepted 7 June 2021
10.1126/science.abc0652 16 JULY 2021•VOL 373 ISSUE 6552 355

Fig. 4. Phase-field simulations
predict an electrically driven
transientmMphase .(A) Schematic
showing a 2D VO 2 device under
an in-plane electric field. (B) The
multidomain film is assumed to have
a spatially heterogeneous variation
of transition temperature (Tc) owing
to nanoscale disorder. (C) Calculated
phase maps at different time
delays after an electric field of
magnitude 3.7 kV cm−^1 is applied
att= 0. Interfacial interactions
between the equilibriumM1and
Rphases stabilize themMphase
on a microsecond time scale
(see white regions in the dashed
boxes). Scale bars, 20 nm.



Input TC variation


-20 0

C t = 20.6 μs

t = 22.4 μs

t = 23.3 μs

M1 mM R

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