Science - USA (2021-07-16)

(Antfer) #1

Cassie-Baxter relation can be rewritten in terms
of the spacing ratio as

cosq¼ 1 þ


ðÞpqEcosqE ð 4 Þ

Increasing values ofD correspond to higher
surface porosity, and correspondingly higherq
and generally lowerDqvalues.
Pbrcan be expressed in terms of another
dimensionless parameterA
ness factor ( 27 ). For a cylindrical morphol-
ogy ( 24 , 30 )



RDðÞ 1

ðÞ 1 cosqE
ðÞD 1 þ2sinqE

ð 5 Þ

wherePref=2gLV/‘capis the reference pressure,
which is close to the minimum possible pres-
sure differential across the liquid-vapor inter-
face for a millimeter-sized liquid droplet or



is the liquid capillary

length;ris the liquid density; andgis the
acceleration due to gravity. The robustness
factor thus incorporates properties of the solid
texture (R,D), the contacting liquidð‘capÞ, and
qE.SurfacesforwhichA*≤1 for a given con-

tacting liquid cannot support a composite in-
terface and transition to the Wenzel state,
whereas values ofA*>> 1 imply a robust com-
posite interface ( 24 , 27 ).
Ideal nonwetting surfaces would enable
D*>> 1 andA*>>1 with a contacting liquid
to simultaneously display both high appar-
ent contact angles and high breakthrough
pressures. However, it is evident from Eq. 5
that increasingD*would result in decreasing
the magnitude ofA*. There are several design
strategies to break this trade-off: (i) For a given
surface porosity,A*values can be increased
without loweringD*by lowering the substrate
surface energy or by changingymin( 24 ) (Fig.
2A). Figure 2A showcases how surface tex-
ture can be used to create air-infused liquid-
repellent surfaces using materials with widely
differing surface energies, and thereby surface
chemistries. The design of air-infused omni-
phobic or superomniphobic surfaces based on
the micro-hoodoo (ymin≈0°) ( 23 , 27 )andthe
doubly reentrant ( 31 )(ymin≈−90°) geometries
are particularly worth mentioning in this con-
text (Fig. 2A, inset). (ii) For a given surface
chemistry, the magnitude of the robustness
factorA*can be increased while maintain-
ing the same spacing ratioD*(and thereby
the apparent contact angles) by decreasing the
length scale of the features comprising the

solid texture. This strategy essentially allows
us to move along theyaxis in the design chart
showninFig.2B( 32 ). (iii) For a given surface
composition, the spacing ratioD*can be in-
creased while maintaining the values forA*by
developing surfaces with hierarchical scales of
texture. This strategy allows us to move along
thexaxis of the design chart shown in Fig. 2B
( 32 ). One related challenge is the long-term sta-
bility of air pockets in the Cassie-Baxter state
for completely submerged nonwetting surfaces.
Here again, the solid texture length scale is
important, as thermodynamic analysis has
shown that submicrometer texture spacing
is required to sustain air pockets on surfaces
submerged underwater at atmospheric pres-
sure ( 33 ).
Another approach to liquid repellency is the
one adopted by the carnivorousNepenthes
pitcher plant, which locks in a lubricating layer
of water within the porous surface texture of
its rim. Any insect or even small rodents that
try to walk along the rim cannot gain traction
and slide off into the stomach of the plant.
structures, a variety of lubricant-infused omni-
phobic surfaces have been developed ( 34 Ð 37 ).
On such surfaces, a liquid lubricant, typically a
silicone or fluorinated oil, is stabilized within
a textured or porous solid through capillary

Dhyaniet al.,Science 373 , eaba5010 (2021) 16 July 2021 3 of 13

Fig. 2. Design charts for
air-infused liquid-repellent
surfaces.(A) The variation of
the robustness factor (A)
as a function of the solid
surface energy. The different sur-
face energies for common surface
chemistries (fluorinated organic,
nonfluorinated organic, metal
oxide, etc.) are also shown.
Three different regimes for liquid
repellency are drawn based
on the minimum value of the
texture angleymin= 90°
( 147 , 152 , 154 , 155 ),ymin<90°
( 3 , 5 , 23 , 27 , 29 , 125 , 148 –
151 , 156 – 158 ), andymin<0°.
The data illustrate that a lower
value ofyminenables a higher
value of the robustness factor and
allows for a wider range of surface
chemistries to be utilized for
developing liquid-repellent
surfaces. For a given texture angle, a reduction in the surface energy leads to a higher value of the robustness factor. Example SEM images for different air-infused,
liquid-repellent surfaces are included as insets. These surfaces include vertical pillars ( 147 ), electrospun fabrics ( 23 ), and micro-hoodoos ( 23 , 31 ). The orange
data points represent oil-repellent surfaces, whereas the blue data points represent water-repellent surfaces. Image credits: vertical pillars, reprinted (adapted) with
permission from the American Chemical Society, copyright (2000) ( 147 ); electrospun fabrics, adapted from ( 23 ); micro-reentrant structure, adapted from ( 23 );
micro-double-reentrant structure, adapted from ( 31 ). (B) The variation ofA
as a function of the spacing ratio (D) for octane on cylindrical textures [e.g.,
micromeshes ( 5 , 149 )]. Values ofA
< 1 indicate the formation of the Wenzel state and complete wetting. For the same value ofD, it is possible to increaseA values,
and thereby the breakthrough pressure, by making the features on a finer length scale. Additionally, for the same value ofA, it is possible to increaseD values,
and thereby the apparent contact angles, by fabricating surfaces with a hierarchical texture. Image credits: micro-meshes from ( 5 ) reproduced with permission from
Springer Nature; hierarchical micromeshes, adapted from ( 149 ).


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