010 RUNNERSWORLD.CO.UK JULY 2018## RUNNING IS ALL ABOUTtransformations. Thesecan be small adjustments,like when the simple act ofgoing out for a run clearsyour head. Or they can belarge-scale shifts that takemonths, or years, and canchange your life. On page 98, BBC newspresenter Sophie Raworth talks about hereight-year journey from non-runner tomultiple marathoner and finisher in theMarathon des Sables, the brutal multi-day racein the Sahara. Thatâs a fitting way to introduceour Transformation Issue, designed to helpyou chase down your running, or life, goals.On page 38, thereâs a feature on how you canimprove your speed with just a few tweaks toyour training, no matter what your age, abilityor experience. As a 45-year-old with a goal ofrunning a sub-19-minute 5K before the yearis out, this was music to my ears. Equallyfascinating is our piece on improving mentalstrength, by the evergreen athlete DeenaKastor (page 56) â itâs a revealing insight intohow she became such a formidable competitorin her elite days and continues to run at thehighest level today, as a veteran. Or, if youwant to get leaner, turn to page 32 for 45simple tips to burn fat and lose weight.So whether you want to take baby steps orgiant leaps towards a better you, weâve gotyou covered in this issue.
EDITORâSLETTERâWhatâs yourpreferredfood beforeor duringa run?â``````âA DNA testrevealed that alittle cafeinegoes a long waywith me â whichexplains why I lythrough my runsif I have a strongcofee an hourbeforehand.â
- Kerry McCarthyâAs a coeliac,I get on best bymaking my ownenergy bitesfrom gluten-freeoats, peanutbutter, groundalmonds, bananaand dates.â
- Jane McGuireâSpread on toast,paired withjam or scoopedstraight out ofthe jar beforea run, peanutbutter is what Irely on to powerme throughpretty mucheverything.â
- RhalouAllerhandâFor the long, slowstuf, Iâve founda packet ofmixed fruit andnuts providesa mellowalternativeto the sugaryrollercoaster ofthe energy gel.â
- Rick PearsonTOM WATKINSThe photographerspecialises in portraitsand lifestyle/itnessimages, and he hasworked for the likesof FourFourTwo andWomenâs Health.He photographedbroadcaster and runnerSophie Raworth forIâm a runner, p98.``````MARK BAILEYThe sport, health anditness journalist haswritten for MenâsHealth, the DailyTelegraph and theFinancial Times. ForRW this month, hetargets the musclesyou need to work ifyou want to be astronger runner, p50.
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jacob rumans
(Jacob Rumans)