
(Jacob Rumans) #1

GLUTEUSMEDIUSWHAT IS IT? One of the three powerfulgluteus muscles around yourbuttocks, it stretches from your hipbone to your thigh bone. Its key roleis in the supporting leg, as it preventsthe pelvis dropping when your otherleg is in mid-air, balancing your bodyfor a smoother gait.``````WHY DOES IT MATTER? ‘Because itstabilises your pelvis when youare mid-stride, it keeps your entirerunning chain in alignment,’ saysBuckingham. ‘It prevents your kneecollapsing inwards and that beneitsyour eiciency, as you will not rollfrom side to side when you land.’``````WHAT IF I IGNORE IT? A weak gluteusmedius will cause your hip or kneeto drift in when you run, putting youat risk of hip pain or runner’s knee. ‘Itwill also pile extra load onto the insideof your shins, Achilles and feet, whichcan cause pain,’ says Buckingham.``````A / WHAT’S THE INJURY REHAB? Attach aresistance band to a bannister, thenaround your ankle, and pull your legout and back at 45 degrees. ‘Thatis the optimum angle to isolate thegluteus medius,’ says Buckingham.Repeat 3 × 25 times per leg.``````B / HOW DO I STRENGTHEN IT? Standwith your left shoulder by a walland balance on your right leg. Liftand bend your left knee and turn itout so you are pushing against thewall. Keep your standing knee slightlybent. Push for 3-5 mins per leg.WHAT IS IT? A musclestretching from the back ofyour shin, around your innerankle bone and into yourfoot. It is responsible forinversion (turning your footinwards) and plantar lexion(pointing your foot down) toprovide stability and drive.WHAT ARE THEY? Two hiplexor muscles (psoasmajor and iliacus) in thefront of the hip thatconnect via the backand pelvis to the femur(thigh bone). They lex thehips in order to lift the legup and forward when youwalk or climb stairs.WHY DOES IT MATTER?‘It stabilises the foot whenyou land, locks the ankle inplace to prevent excessivepronation and helpsdecelerate impact,’ sayssports physiotherapist MarkBuckingham ( ‘With a strong tibialis``````WHY DO THEY MATTER? ‘Theyare important hip lexormuscles because that hiplexion is what powers yourknee drive,’ says runningcoach James Dunne( well as delivering power,they stabilise your pelvisand hip joint for smootherrunning biomechanics.``````WHAT IF I IGNORE THEM? ‘Deskjobs can leave hip lexorstight or weak, which cancause postural issues in thelumbar and pelvic region,’says Dunne. ‘If you tiltforward through the pelviswhen you run, it can causelower back and knee pain.’``````posterior, your foot willbecome a more stable lever,so you get more power andspeed when you push of.’``````WHAT IF I IGNORE IT? ‘If it isweak it can lead to stressfractures in the metatarsaland navicular bones in yourfeet,’ warns Buckingham. If itfails to support deceleration,your Achilles will also beoverloaded, leading to shinsplints or plantar fasciitis.``````A / WHAT’S THE INJURY REHAB?Attach a resistance bandaround your knees, stand withyour feet shoulder-width apartand rise up and down on yourtiptoes. Do 3 × 25 reps.``````B / HOW DO I STRENGTHEN IT?Perform single-leg hops,keeping the knee over themiddle of the foot. ‘Try topush of and land on yourtiptoes,’ advises Buckingham.Do 3 × 25 reps per foot.``````A / WHAT’S THE INJURY REHAB?Do hip exor stretches byraising one foot onto a chair.Staying static, thrust yourpelvis up, draw in your coreand tighten your buttocks, soyou feel the stretch in the topof your standing leg.Contract and relax eachsecond for 3 × 20-40 secs.``````B / HOW DO I STRENGTHEN THEM?Perform a psoas march:lie on your back with aresistance band wrappedaround both feet. Pullyour knees up beyond 90degrees, draw in your coreand alternately drive eachleg down until it is straight.Repeat for 3 × 30-60 secs.(^1) TIBIALIS POSTERIOR(^2) ILIOPSOAS052 RUNNERSWORLD.CO.UK JULY 20183A B ABAB

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