
(Jacob Rumans) #1

JULY 2018 RUNNERSWORLD.CO.UK 077BODY+MINDMeasureSit with your leg infront of you, footlexed. Hold thetape at the centre-top of your foot(two inches beneaththe top of the bigtoe) and unroll untilit hits just belowthe outside of yourknee. Cut tape here.``````PressPoint your toes,lightly pressing thetape to your shinuntil it’s lat.``````StickWithout stretchingthe tape, peelof two inchesof adhesive andstick just belowthe outside ofyour knee.AddCut strips longenough to coverthe full width ofyour shin and stickthem across thebone, stretchingthe tape laterallyover pain points.WORDS: KEIRA CARTER. PHOTOGRAPHS: MITCH MANDEL

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