+iPad iPhone Life - USA (2019-Fall)

(Antfer) #1

Add Photos to an Existing Album

Your album isn’t limited to the photos you entered when
you created it. To add more pictures: Tap on an album to
choose it; tap Select, then tap Add. Scroll through your photos
and videos, tapping the ones you’d like to include. When you
fi nish, tap Done.

Remove Photos from an Existing Album

If you change your mind and want to remove items, tap the
album, then tap Select. Now choose the photos or videos you
want to remove; tap Select All to remove everything. When
you fi nish, tap the trash can icon. Tap Remove from Album to

remove photos or videos only from the album. To delete photos
or videos from your phone as well as your album, tap Delete.

Share Your Album

Once you’ve created an album, it’s easy to share it with
folks in your Contacts. Tap the album you want to share, then
tap the right facing arrow beside your album’s title. Now tap
the three white dots on the top right.
Tap Share Photos to include all the pictures in the album.
To select individual photos, tap Select, then tap any items you
don’t want to share to deselect them. From here, you can add
people to share the album with. Choose from the list provided
or scroll down and tap Add People to include others.
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