+iPad iPhone Life - USA (2019-Fall)

(Antfer) #1

Enter the names of saved contacts you want to share with
and tap Add when you’re fi nished. If you want to remove
someone from your list, tap the blue checkmark by their
name. Once you’ve compiled your list of friends, tap Share in
Messages. From here, you can include a text with the album
and tap the arrow icon to send both album and message.

Create a Shared Album

Shared albums allow you and up to 99 other iOS users to
add pictures, videos, and comments to an album. You can
even create a public website for friends and family members
without iCloud accounts, so they can enjoy the album as well.
To get started, open the Settings app, scroll down, and tap on
Photos. Next, scroll down to Shared Albums and toggle it on.

Now you’ll follow the same steps you used to create a new
album, with a few small differences. Open your Photos app,
tap on your Albums tab, and tap the + icon in the top left.
Instead of tapping New Album as before, tap New Shared
Album. Now enter the name of your album and tap Next. Tap
the plus sign to add contacts you’d like to include, then tap
To add content to the shared album, go to your Albums tab
and under Shared Albums, select the album you just created,
and tap the + icon in the top left. Now select the photos and
videos you want to add to the album and tap Done. Wait for
your album to process and can enter a description of the new
content if you like, then tap Post. Ѷ

Tamlin Day is a feature web writer and advertising specialist for iPhone Life. He holds
degrees in graphic design and professional writing and has been previously published
in Breathe Easy Press.

For more information about the

Photos app and how you can use

it, scan this QR code for our

comprehensive Photos App Guide.




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