Presentation Secrets Of Steve Jobs

(Steven Felgate) #1


 SCENE 10: “Use ‘Amazingly Zippy’ Words.” The “mere

mortals” who experience an “unbelievable” Steve Jobs presen-
tation find it “cool,” “amazing,” and “awesome.” These are just
some of the zippy words Jobs uses frequently. Find out why
Jobs uses the words he does and why they work.

 SCENE 11: “Share the Stage.” Apple is a rare company whose

fortunes are closely tied to its cofounder. Despite the fact that
Apple has a deep bench of brilliant leaders, many observers
say Apple is a one-man show. Perhaps. But Jobs treats presen-
tations as a symphony.

 SCENE 12: “Stage Your Presentation with Props.”^

Demonstrations play a very important supporting role in every
Jobs presentation. Learn how to deliver demos with pizzazz.

 SCENE 13: “Reveal a ‘Holy Shit’ Moment.” From his earli-

est presentations, Jobs had a flair for the dramatic. Just when
you think you have seen all there is to see or heard all there is
to hear, Jobs springs a surprise. The moment is planned and
scripted for maximum impact.
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