Presentation Secrets Of Steve Jobs

(Steven Felgate) #1


iPod, 43–44
MacBook Air, 39–40
Hero, 75–86
mission, 76–78
Hodgman, John, 78–79
Hofmann, Hans, 90
Holliday, Chad, 56
“Holy shit” moments, 151–60, 163
bombshells, 155–57
memorable stories, 156
one theme, 154–55
revolutionary products, 157–60
Hyperbole, 122

IBM, 64, 75–76, 109–10
IBM-Motorola PowerPC, 146
IDG World Expo, ix
iDVD, 180
iLife suite, 145
iMac, 15, 42–43, 181, 199
iMac G5, xiv
Improvisation, 199–206
Inconvenient Truth, An, xi, 71–73
Inside Steve’s Brain (Kahney), 13, 90
Inspiration, xvi
Intel processor, 16–17, 54, 81, 127–28,
146–48, 199, 201
Internet Explorer, 69
Introductions, 17, 20
iPhone, 41–42, 49–51, 53, 64–67, 106,
113, 140–41, 149, 157–60, 184,
data transfers, 106
market share, 107–8
3G, 98–99, 106, 113
iPod, xiv, 34, 43–44, 49–51, 53, 77,
105, 155
advertising, 83–84
simplicity, 87
slogan, 105
storage, 107
iTunes, xv, 53, 212
advertising, 83–84
films, 130–31
Ive, Jony, 87, 129–30

Jargon, 113, 117–20, 122
Jobs, Steve, 37–38, 199. See also Specific
bloopers, 208–11
body language, 168–69, 170–73
CEO announcement, 155–57
charisma, xi, 34, 167
dressing style of, 195–97
explaining statistics, 105–9

generational considerations,
health issues, x, 211, 212, 215
keynote presentations, x, xii, 64–67,
90–91, 93, 96–97, 131, 137,
144–45, 157–59, 180–81
language complexity, 114–17
motivation, 30, 33
quotations, 15, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32,
34, 35–36, 39, 46, 49, 63, 81,
105, 113, 121, 195, 199, 215
Stanford University commencement
speech, 215–18
Jukebox player, 77–78
Kahney, Leander, 13, 28, 90, 137
Kanso, 89
Kawasaki, Guy, 24, 138–40
Kelleher, Herb, 5
Kennedy, John F., 58
Kessler, Michelle, 54
Keynote software, 12, 44–47, 89, 204
Kinesthetic learners, 147
Kinesthetics, 137–38
King, Rollin, 5
Kissinger, Henry, 193
Krantz, Michael, 181
Langberg, Mike, 78
Language issues
analogies, 108–12, 122–25
concrete language, 118, 121
emotional language, 118, 121
filler words, 187, 189
jargon, 113, 117–20, 122
language complexity, 114–17
plain English, 102–4, 114–17
simplicity, 118–20, 121
speaking style, 173–76
vocal delivery, 187
zippy words, 113–25
Leadership, 33, 176–77, 192–93
simplicity, 94
Leadership in the Era of Economic
Uncertainty (Charan), 56
Learners, types of, 147
Leopard, 57, 131–33, 144
“Let’s Rock” presentation, 93, 96–97
Lindstrom, Martin, 68
Long, Justin, 78–79
Lyons, Daniel, x
Mac OS 9, 207–8
Mac OS X, 207–8. See also OS X
operating system
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