BBC Sky at Night - UK (2021-08)

(Antfer) #1
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based in
Cornwall, began
life in February
2018 when three
women, Emma
Hugo, Wendy
Keys and
Carol Miller got
together for a coffee and a conversation
about astronomy and space exploration. By
the end of that day we’d set up a Facebook
group; and by the end of the month we’d
begun an after-school astronomy club at
meeting in the car park of our not-quite-
Once the Community Centre opened in
May we met every third Friday of the

month, with numbers between 10 and 20
people. Wendy gave talks on her interest
in stars and constellations, Emma on her
interest in space exploration and Carol
on the planets and the Moon. We had
other speakers from within the group and
from other Cornwall astronomy groups.
On clearer nights we’d go outside with
binoculars and telescopes, helping each
other to be informed about the night sky,
assisting newcomers with their kit and
inspiring others to come along through
the Facebook group and word of mouth.
Fast forward to 2021, and the Facebook
group has continued to grow and we now
have over 200 members, but COVID-19 has
meant that we haven’t met for over 12
months. We look forward to meeting again
in autumn for a new season of astronomy.
Carol Miller, co-founder, Lanivet
Amateur Astronomers
> Visit the Facebook page of Lanivet
Amateur Astronomers for more info



Þ Left to right: Wendy
Keys, Emma Hugo and
Carol Miller outside the
Community Centre



harder to sleep than usual, but it does
give me the chance to admire the Moon
#moon #luna #astrophotography
#moonphases #moonphotography
@bbcskyatnightmag @yorkshirepics @
your_yorkshire @bbcearth

An eclipse enigma
I took some
good shots of
the partial
eclipse with my
mobile phone
on 10 June, but
I noticed some
show the eclipse
‘nudging’ the top
of the Sun and
other shots show
it nudging the
bottom. There are other shots where it
looks like the Sun has a duller companion
too. Can you tell me why this happened.
Alan Percival, via email

As the Sun was quite high in the sky when
the eclipse happened, were you holding
your phone high overhead, Alan? It may
have got its orientation mixed up and
shown the photo upside-down. The duller
companion may be a lens artefact. – Ed.

Moore memories
Back in 1966, as President of Plymouth
Astronomical Society, I was in regular
contact with Patrick Moore and asked
him about holding a meeting of the BAA
Lunar Section in Plymouth. During his talk
ever astronomical picture taken by a CCD
camera. He instinctively knew the name

of every star in the image and was able to
tell us the limiting magnitude of the short
exposure. The meeting remains memorable
for that reason alone, but it was also a
milestone in regional BAA meetings.
Lawrence Harris, Stowupland


22 BBC Sky at Night Magazine August 2021

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