Knitting - UK (2021-07)

(Antfer) #1




Kate Davies

‘An inkling might be regarded as the
very beginning of a thought,’ writes Kate
Davies. An inkle on the other hand is a
narrow band created by a weaver on a
special loom. In 2019 Kate learnt inkle
weaving, and her exploration of this new
craft and return to a beginner’s mindset
inspired and revitalised her knitting
design as well as spurring her on to
create inkle weaving patterns. The result
is a collection of 11 knitting patterns and
four weaving ones which all started with
an inkling, and were mainly created and
photographed during 2020. The designs
all feature Kate’s signature classic shapes
and playful approach to colour, and the
knitted collection of sweaters, vests,
cardigans and accessories is accented
with colourful woven belts and straps
that work really well with the knits. It’s
very hard to pick favourites but among
those I’d most like to cast on are steeked
colourwork cardigan Land O’ Cakes,
which has a matching belt; Con Alma,
a cute, sleeveless vest with a central
lace panel, Fairisle yoke sweater Coofle,
the Green Shoots tam and mittens set
and glorious lacy Beamer shawl. All the
knitted designs are made in Kate’s own
Millarochy Tweed yarn. CB
£20, Kate Davies Designs


An interchangeable needle set small enough to slip into a project bag is an inspired idea,
and Pony’s Colour set of five pairs of anodised aluminium needle tips from 3-5mm comes
in a handy case perfect for doing just that. Each pair of tips comes in a different colour
so it’s easy to tell the sizes apart, and the set also comes with three cables 60cm, 80cm
and 100cm long. Handy stoppers round off the collection. These needles are lightweight
and easy to work with, quickly warming in your hands as you knit. Stitches glide easily
from tip to tip over the smooth, polished surface, and the patented Glydon joint means
an easy transition from cable to tip, even with less giving yarns such as cottons. The thin,
transparent cable is very flexible, and the different lengths mean it’s easy to work on all
sorts of different projects. This is your core, capsule needle collection in a handy little felt
bag – never leave home without it!
£ 55 .99, Pony

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