How to Write a Better Thesis

(Marcin) #1

Summary of Chapter 9: The Discussion or Interpretation 119

Checking the thesis structure:

  • Before you start writing material in each of these sections, check your thesis
    structure by stringing together introductions and conclusions for all the chapters.

  • Check that the tentatively structured thesis responds to the aim and scope you set
    yourself in your introductory chapter.

Write with authority:

  • Make sure that your exposition of new theory or ideas places your thesis within
    the context of the field you are working in. This will require that you not only
    draw on your own results, but that you view these against existing thinking as
    expounded in your background chapters.

  • Acknowledge any limitations on your findings. Theoretical results may need
    validation before their suitability in practice is known, for example. Shortcom-
    ings or uncertainties should also be acknowledged.

  • If the thesis involves a case study, check that you have dealt with the problem of
    generalizability, or issues of transference, for your findings to similar situations.

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