How to Write a Better Thesis

(Marcin) #1

Summary of Chapter 3: Mechanics of Writing 37

  • Explicitly maintain versions, with dates. Don’t rely on ‘track changes’.

  • Always label draft documents with the document name, your name, page num-
    bers and the date. Start the document with a table of contents.

  • Be systematic in your maintenance of a database of references.

Writing tips:

  • Get feedback on your style early in the thesis-writing process. And listen to it.

  • Write in a natural, conversational style. Be easy to read rather than self-con-
    sciously intellectual. Avoid the passive voice.

  • Use an appropriate referencing style.

  • Be alert to common problems in academic writing.

  • Do not plagiarize or in any way inappropriately use text that is not yours. Do
    your own writing.

Online resources:

  • There are plenty of online guides to preparing theses with specific word-pro-
    cessing tools; a web search such as ‘using Word to write thesis’ or ‘templates for
    thesis’ will return many useful results.

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