I did it myself. means, I, and only I, did it.
He (or John) did it himself. means, He (or John), and only he (or John), did it.
She (or Jane) did it herself. means, She (or Jane), and only she (or Jane), did it.
You did it yourself. means, You, and only you alone, did it.
You did it yourselves. means,
You and at least one other person, and only
you and that other person (or those other
people), did it.
We did it ourselves. means, I and at least one othethat other person (or those other people), did it.r person, and only I and
They did it themselves. means, Two or more people, and only those two or more people, did it.
"TO," "TWO," AND "TOO"
To =
I gave the book John. = I gave the book to John.
Two 1 + 1 = 2
I gave John 2 books. = I gave John two books.
Too = excess
I gave John more books than he wants. = I gave John too many books.
Too = also
I also gave a book to Mary. = I gave a book to Mary, too.