(Rick Simeone) #1

6.3 Repeat each sentence at the time I tell you. I will say, "Yesterday I
needed groceries. Today _____." You will answer, "Today I
need groceries." Use the same person (I, he, she, we, you or they) in
the sentence.

6.3a Yesterday I needed groceries. Today _____.
(Today I need groceries.) Today I need groceries. (Today I need groceries.)

▬ Today he needs groceries. Tomorrow _________.

(Tomorrow he will need groceries.) Tomorrow he will need groceries.
(Tomorrow he will need groceries.)

▬ Tomorrow we will need groceries. Yesterday _________.

(Yesterday we needed groceries.) Yesterday we needed groceries.
(Yesterday we needed groceries.)

6.3b Yesterday they appealed to the men. Today _____.

(Today they appeal to the men.) Today they appeal to the men. (Today they
appeal to the men.)
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