(Rick Simeone) #1

  • I will decide (I will decide) / he will decide (he will decide) / she will decide
    (she will decide) / it will decide (it will decide) / you will decide (you will
    decide) / we will decide (we will decide) / they will decide (they will decide)

6.5b TO ADD (to add) / She promised to add it. (She promised to add it.)
Add. (Add.) / Please add it. (Please add it.)
adding (adding) / He is adding it. (He is adding it.)
added (added) / it is added (it is added) / it was added (it was added) / it will
be added (it will be added)

  • I add (I add) / he adds (he adds) / she adds (she adds) / it adds (it adds) / you
    add (you add) / we add (we add) / they add (they add)

  • I added (I added) / he added (he added) / she added (she added) / it added (it
    added) / you added (you added) / we added (we added) / they added (they

  • I will add (I will add) / he will add (he will add) / she will add (she will add)
    / it will add (it will add) / you will add (you will add) / we will add (we will
    add) / they will add (they will add)

6.5c TO APPEAR (to appear) / She promised to appear. (She promised to
Appear. (Appear.) / Please appear. (Please appear.)
appearing (appearing) / He is appearing. (He is appearing.)
appeared : It is appeared is infrequently or never used.

  • I appear (I appear) / he appears (he appears) / she appears (she appears) / it
    appears (it appears) / you appear (you appear) / we appear (we appear) / they
    appear (they appear)

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