(Rick Simeone) #1

  • I walked (I walked) / he walked (he walked) / she walked (she walked) / it
    walked (it walked) / you walked (you walked) / we walked (we walked) /
    they walked (they walked)

  • I will walk (I will walk) / he will walk (he will walk) / she will walk (she
    will walk) / it will walk (it will walk) / you will walk (you will walk) / we
    will walk (we will walk) / they will walk (they will walk)

7.2c TO EXPECT (to expect) / He promised to expect it.
(He promised to expect it.)
Expect. (Expect.) / Please expect it. (Please expect it.)
expecting (expecting) / He is expecting it. (He is expecting it.)
expected (expected) / it is expected (it is expected) / it was expected (it was
expected) / it will be expected (it will be expected)

  • I expect (I expect) / he expects (he expects) / she expects (she expects) / it
    expects (it expects) / you expect (you expect) / we expect (we expect) / they
    expect (they expect)

  • I expected (I expected) / he expected (he expected) / she expected (she
    expected) / it expected (it expected) / you expected (you expected) / we
    expected (we expected) / they expected (they expected)

  • I will expect (I will expect) / he will expect (he will expect) / she will expect
    (she will expect) / it will expect (it will expect) / you will expect (you will
    expect) / we will expect (we will expect) / they will expect (they will expect)

7.2d TO BEG (to beg) / He promised not to beg. (He promised not to beg.)
Beg. (Beg.) / Please don't beg for it. (Please don't beg for it.)
begging (begging) / He is begging for it. (He is begging for it.)
begged : It is begged is infrequently or never used.

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