(Rick Simeone) #1

I report (I report) I reported (I reported) I will report (I will report)
he reports (he reports) he reported (he reported) he will report (he will report)
she reports (she reports) she reported (she reported) she will report (she will report)
it reports (it reports) it reported (it reported) it will report (it will report)
you report (you report) you reported (you reported) you will report (you will report)
we report (we report) we reported (we reported) we will report (we will report)
they report (they report) they reported (they reported) they will report (they will report)

12.5 Repeat each word (irregular verbs).

12.5a TO DRAW (to draw) / He promised to draw it. (He promised to draw it.)
Draw. (Draw.) / Please draw it. (Please draw it.)
drawing (drawing) / He is drawing it. (He is drawing it.)
drawn (drawn) / it is drawn (it is drawn) / it was drawn (it was drawn) /
it will be drawn (it will be drawn)

  • I draw (I draw) / he draws (he draws) / she draws (she draws) / it draws (it
    draws) / you draw (you draw) / we draw (we draw) / they draw (they draw)

  • I drew (I drew) / he drew (he drew) / she drew (she drew) / it drew (it
    drew) / you drew (you drew) / we drew (we drew) / they drew (they drew)

  • I will draw (I will draw) / he will draw (he will draw) / she will draw (she
    will draw) / it will draw (it will draw) / you will draw (you will draw) / we
    will draw (we will draw) / they will draw (they will draw)

12.5b TO FIGHT (to fight) / He promised not to fight. (He promised ls12j.mp3
not to fight.)
Fight. (Fight.) / Please don't fight. (Please don't fight.)

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