(Rick Simeone) #1

14.5j It ran under ____.
(It ran under the house.) It ran under the house. (It ran under the house.)

14.5k I ran around ____.
(I ran around the house.) I ran around the house. (I ran around the house.)

14.5l They ran through ____.
(They ran through the house.) They ran through the house. (They ran
through the house.)

14.6 Repeat each word (irregular verbs).

14.6a TO WEAR (to wear) / He tried to wear it again. (He tried to wear it again.)
Wear. (Wear.) / Please don't wear it again. (Please don't wear it again.)
wearing (wearing) / He is wearing it again. (He is wearing it again.)
worn (worn) / it is worn (it is worn) / it was worn (it was worn) / it will be
worn (it will be worn)

  • I wear (I wear) / he wears (he wears) / she wears (she wears) / it wears (it
    wears) / you wear (you wear) / we wear (we wear) / they wear (they wear)

  • I wore (I wore) / he wore (he wore) / she wore (she wore) / it wore (it
    wore) / you wore (you wore) / we wore (we wore) / they wore (they wore)

  • I will wear (I will wear) / he will wear (he will wear) / she will wear (she
    will wear) / it will wear (it will wear) / you will wear (you will wear) / we
    will wear (we will wear) / they will wear (they will wear)

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