- I will eat (I will eat) / he will eat (he will eat) / she will eat (she will eat) / it
will eat (it will eat) / you will eat (you will eat) / we will eat (we will eat) /
they will eat (they will eat)
14.6f TO SHOOT (to shoot) / He tried to shoot it. (He tried to shoot it.)
Shoot. (Shoot.) / Please don't shoot it. (Please don't shoot it.)
shooting (shooting) / He is not shooting it. (He is not shooting it.)
shot (shot) / it is shot (it is shot) / it was shot (it was shot) / it will be shot
(it will be shot)
I shoot (I shoot) I shot (I shot) I will shoot (I will shoot)
he shoots (he shoots) he shot (he shot) he will shoot (he will shoot)
she shoots (she shoots) she shot (she shot) she will shoot (she will shoot)
it shoots (it shoots) it shot (it shot) it will shoot (it will shoot)
you shoot (you shoot) you shot (you shot) you will shoot (you will shoot)
we shoot (we shoot) we shot (we shot) we will shoot (we will shoot)
they shoot (they shoot) they shot (they shot) they will shoot (they will shoot
14.7 Repeat each sentence.
14.7a Everyone sold a house. (Everyone sold a house.)
Everyone in this group owned a house. (Everyone in this group
owned a house.)
Everyone sold a house. (Everyone sold a house.)
14.7b Everyone who owned a house sold it. (Everyone who owned a house sold it.)
Some in this group owned a house. (Some in this group owned a house.)
Some did not own a house. (Some did not own a house.)
Those who owned a house sold it. (Those who owned a house sold it.)