the Lord. (preaching boldly in the name of the Lord.) / And so Saul stayed with
them and went all over Jerusalem, preaching boldly in the name of the Lord. (And
so Saul stayed with them and went all over Jerusalem, preaching boldly in the
name of the Lord.) / He also talked and disputed (He also talked and
disputed) / with the Greek-speaking Jews, (with the Greek-speaking
Jews,) / but they tried to kill him. (but they tried to kill him.) / He also talked
and disputed with the Greek-speaking Jews, but they tried to kill him. (He also
talked and disputed with the Greek-speaking Jews, but they tried to kill him.)
When the believers found out about this, (When the believers found out about
this,) / they took Saul to Caesarea (they took Saul to Caesarea) / and sent him
away to Tarsus. (and sent him away to Tarsus.) / When the believers found out
about this, they took Saul to Caesarea and sent him away to Tarsus. (When the
believers found out about this, they took Saul to Caesarea and sent him away to
Tarsus.) / And so it was (And so it was) / that the church (that the
church) / had a time of peace. (had a time of peace.) / And so it was that the
church had a time of peace. (And so it was that the church had a time of
peace.) / Through the help (Through the help) / of the Holy Spirit (of the Holy
Spirit) / it was strengthened and grew in numbers, (it was strengthened and grew
in numbers,) / as it lived in reverence for the Lord. (as it lived in reverence for
the Lord.) / Through the help of the Holy Spirit it was strengthened and grew in
numbers, as it lived in reverence for the Lord. (Through the help of the Holy Spirit
it was strengthened and grew in numbers, as it lived in reverence for the Lord.)
(Lesson Text: Today's English Version, Copyright ©1992 by the ABS Used by permission. All rights reserved.)
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