Spoken English Learned Quickly http://www.FreeEnglishNow.com H.20
to send away
to send in
to send out
to separate
to serve
to set
to set free
to sew
to shake
to shake off
to share
to shoot
to show
to show off
to show through
to show up
to shrink
to shut
to sing
to sink
to sit
to slay
to sleep
to smash
to sound
to speak
to spend
to spin
to spread
to spread out
to spread over
to spread under
to spring
to stand
to stare
to start
to startle
to stay
to stay
to steal
to sting
to stir
to stone
to stop
to store
to strengthen
to strike
to study
to substitute
to suffer
to suggest
to supply
to suppose
to swear
to swim
to swing
to take
to take action
to take away
to take control
to take off
to take on
to take out
to take over
to take up
to talk
to teach
to tell
to test
to testify
to think
to think about
to think out
to think over
to think through
to threaten
to throw
to tie