Spoken English Learned Quickly http://www.FreeEnglishNow.com J.4
- Frequently review the English words in your notebook. Try using each word
in a sentence. Use these new words when you talk with an English speaker. - However, the newspaper cannot give you proper English rhythm and
pronunciation. Do not stop using the SPOKEN ENGLISH LEARNED QUICKLY
audiotapes when you begin reading from the newspaper.
III. Read the Lesson Text
You can read the Lesson Text from the SPOKEN ENGLISH LEARNED QUICKLY
lessons in the same way you would read from a newspaper. You can also read the
articles Information for the Student, Coming to the United States, The Journey of a
Wise Man, and The Wise Man's Discovery which are reproduced in this section of
the Student Workbook.
Some U.S. newspaper web sites.
http://www.seattletimes.com, http://www.oregonlive.com, http://www.chron.com,
http://www.oaklandtribune.com, http://www.startribune.com, http://www.argusleader.com,
http://www.journalnow.com, http://www.mcall.com, http://www.denverpost.com,
Search web sites for other U.S. newspapers.
http://www.hometownnews.com, http://www.50states.com, http://www.dailyearth.com,
http://www.usanewspapers.com, http://www.thetownpaper.com
Search web sites for English and other language newspapers.
http://www.newsdirectory.com, http://www.theworldpress.com,