(Rick Simeone) #1
Lesson 3


3.1 Lesson Text 1:6-11 (Acts). Repeat each sentence.

When the apostles met together with Jesus, (When the apostles met
together with Jesus,) / they asked him, (they asked him,) / When the apostles met
together with Jesus, they asked him, (When the apostles met together with Jesus,
they asked him,) / When the apostles met together with Jesus, they asked him,
(When the apostles met together with Jesus, they asked him,) / Lord, will you at
this time (Lord, will you at this time) / give the Kingdom back to Israel? (give the
Kingdom back to Israel?) / Lord, will you at this time give the Kingdom back to
Israel? (Lord, will you at this time give the Kingdom back to Israel?) / Lord, will
you at this time give the Kingdom back to Israel? (Lord, will you at this time give
the Kingdom back to Israel?)


Jesus said to them, (Jesus said to them,) / The times and occasions are set (The
times and occasions are set) / by my Father's own authority, (by my Father's own
authority,) / and it is not for you to know when they will be. (and it is not for you
to know when they will be.) / Jesus said to them, The times and occasions are set
by my Father's own authority, and it is not for you to know when they will be.
(Jesus said to them, The times and occasions are set by my Father's own authority,
and it is not for you to know when they will be.) / Jesus said to them, The times
and occasions are set by my Father's own authority, and it is not for you to know
when they will be. (Jesus said to them, The times and occasions are set by my
Father's own authority, and it is not for you to know when they will be.)

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