Android Programming The Big Nerd Ranch Guide by Bill Phillips, Chris Stewart, Kristin Marsicano (

(gtxtreme123) #1

Chapter 31  Custom Views and Touch Events

Tracking across motion events

BoxDrawingView is intended to draw boxes on the screen, not just log coordinates. There are a few
problems to solve to get there.

First, to define a box, you need two points: the origin point (where the finger was initially placed) and
the current point (where the finger currently is).

To define a box, then, requires keeping track of data from more than one MotionEvent. You will store
this data in a Box object.

Create a class named Box to represent the data that defines a single box.

Listing 31.6  Adding Box (

public class Box {
private PointF mOrigin;
private PointF mCurrent;

public Box(PointF origin) {
mOrigin = origin;
mCurrent = origin;

public PointF getCurrent() {
return mCurrent;

public void setCurrent(PointF current) {
mCurrent = current;

public PointF getOrigin() {
return mOrigin;

When the user touches BoxDrawingView, a new Box will be created and added to a list of existing boxes
(Figure 31.4).

Figure 31.4  Objects in DragAndDraw

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