Chapter 34 Maps
Once you have that debug.keystore file, move it into your app module’s folder. Then open up your
project structure, select your app module, and navigate to the Signing tab. Click the + button to add
a new signing config. Type debug in the Name field and debug.keystore for your newly created
keystore (Figure 34.4).
Figure 34.4 Configuring debug signing key
If you configure your API key to use this new keystore, then anyone else can use the same API key by
using the same keystore. Much easier.
Note that if you do this, you need to exercise some caution about how you distribute this new
debug.keystore. If you only share it in a private code repo, you should be fine. But do not publish this
keystore in a public repo where anybody can get to it, because that will allow anyone to use your API