9-patch images, 446
<> (diamond notation), 160
?? (null coalescing) operator, 397
@+id, 20
@Before annotation, 405
@Override, 58
@Test annotation, 407
@{} (binding mustache) operator, 389, 392
aapt (Android Asset Packing tool), 30
(see also Accessibility Scanner, Explore by
Touch, TalkBack)
about, 355, 365
android:contentDescription attribute, 362
android:focusable attribute, 364
color contrast and, 372
someView.setContentDescription(someStr... method, 365
for touch targets, 372
accessibility focus, 358
Accessibility Scanner, 370
accessibility services, 355
action bar, toolbar vs, 267
action views, 526
(see also Activity class, fragments)
about, 2
abstract fragment-hosting activity, 162
adding to project, 91- 112
as controllers, 37
back stack of, 112, 462
base, 462
child, 92, 105
creating new, 93
fragment transactions and, 325
handling configuration changes in, 593
hosting fragments, 126, 136-138
label (display name), 457
launcher, 109
lifecycle and fragments, 152
lifecycle diagram, 70
lifecycle of, 55, 63, 70, 71
managing fragments, 325-334
overriding methods, 56, 58
passing data between, 101-109
record, 70
rotation and, 63-68
stack of, 110
starting from fragments, 205
starting in current task, 462
starting in new task, 465
states of, 55, 70
tasks and, 462
UI flexibility and, 124
Activity class
as Context subclass, 26
getIntent(), 104, 208
lifecycle methods, 55-62
onActivityResult(...), 107
onCreate(Bundle), 55, 58
onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu), 256
onDestroy(), 55
onPause(), 55
onResume(), 55, 212
onSaveInstanceState(Bundle), 68- 73
onStart(), 55
onStop(), 55
setContentView(...) method, 17
setResult(...), 105
startActivity(Intent), 99
startActivityForResult(...), 105
activity record, 70
ActivityInfo class, 460
ActivityManager class
back stack, 110, 112
starting activities, 100, 101, 107
ActivityNotFoundException, 101
Adapter class, 169
about, 169
implementing, 174
adb (Android Debug Bridge) driver, 46
add(...) method (FragmentTransaction), 149
addFlags(int) method (Intent), 465
AlarmManager class, 544, 547
AlertDialog class
about, 227-230
wrapping in DialogFragment, 228