Android Programming The Big Nerd Ranch Guide by Bill Phillips, Chris Stewart, Kristin Marsicano (

(gtxtreme123) #1


AlertDialog.Builder class
about, 230
create(), 230
setPositiveButton(...), 230
setTitle(int), 230
setView(...), 232
alias resources, 323-325
ancestral navigation, 260
Android Asset Packing tool (aapt), 30
Android Asset Studio, 253
Android Debug Bridge (adb) driver, 46
Android developer documentation, 120, 121
Android firmware versions, 113
Android Lint
as static analyzer, 85
compatibility and, 118-120
running, 85
Android SDK Manager, xxii
Android Studio
adding dependencies in, 131-133
AppCompat theme, 426
build process, 30
code completion, 26
code style preferences, 35
creating new classes, 34
creating new projects, 3-7
debugger, 80, 82
(see also debugging)
devices view, 46
editor, 8
Emulator Control, 624
extracting a method with, 241
generating getter and setter methods, 35, 36
graphical layout tool, 182, 353
installing, xxii
preferences, 35
project tool window, 8
project window, 8
run configurations, 411
tool windows, 8
variables view, 82
Android versions (see SDK versions)
Android Virtual Device Manager, 27
Android Virtual Devices (AVDs), creating, 27
Android XML namespace, 13
android.text.format.DateFormat class, 204
android.util.Log class (see Log class)
android.view.animation package, 620

android:background attribute, 422
android:configChanges attribute, 593
android:contentDescription attribute, 54, 362
android:documentLaunchMode attribute, 472
android:drawablePadding attribute, 51
android:drawableRight attribute, 51
android:focusable attribute, 364
android:icon attribute, 253
android:id attribute, 20
android:labelFor attribute, 368
android:layout_gravity attribute, 66
android:layout_height attribute, 14
android:layout_margin attribute, 202
android:layout_width attribute, 14
android:name attribute, 97
android:orientation attribute, 14
android:padding attribute, 202
android:protectionLevel attribute, 572
android:text attribute, 14
AndroidManifest.xml (see manifest)
animated state list drawables, 666
about, 609-620
android.view.animation package, 620
interpolation, 614
property animation vs transitions framework,
running multiple animators, 618
simple property animation, 612-618
transformation properties and (see
transformation properties)
transitions framework, 620
translation, 612
animation tools, 667-672
AnimatorListener class, 619
AnimatorSet class, 619
anonymous inner classes, xx, 23, 24
API keys
maps, 648
when working with teams, 659
API levels (see SDK versions)
.apk file, 30, 445
app icon, 261
app namespace, 252
app/java directory, 17
app:showAsAction attribute, 251
AppCompat library
about, 131
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