Android Programming The Big Nerd Ranch Guide by Bill Phillips, Chris Stewart, Kristin Marsicano (

(gtxtreme123) #1


naming, 103
putting, 102, 103
retrieving, 103
structure of, 102


File class
getCacheDir(...), 308
getDir(...), 308
getFilesDir(...), 308
FileDescriptor class, 396
FileInputStream class, 308
fileList(...) method (String), 308
FileOutputStream class, 308
fill_parent, 14
API, 483
Geosearch, 633
searching in, 521-526
floating action buttons, 675, 676
FloatingActionButton class, 675, 676
fluent interface, 149
fragment arguments, 207, 209-211, 216
Fragment class
for asset management, 377
getActivity(), 206, 207
getArguments(...), 211
getTargetFragment(), 238
getTargetRequestCode(), 238
from native libraries, 156
newInstance(...), 210
onActivityResult(...), 235
onCreate(Bundle), 143
onCreateOptionsMenu(...), 256
onCreateView(...), 144
onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem), 256,
onSaveInstanceState(Bundle), 143
setArguments(...), 210
setHasOptionsMenu(boolean), 256
setRetainInstance(...), 414
setTargetFragment(...), 238
SingleFragmentActivity, 377
startActivityForResult(...), 215
from support library, 130, 156
fragment transactions, 149, 150, 325, 328
(see also FragmentTransaction class)

FragmentManager class
adding fragments to, 148-150
fragment lifecycle and, 152
onResume(), 212
responsibilities, 148
role in rotation, 413, 414
FragmentPagerAdapter class, 223
(see also fragment transactions,
FragmentManager class)
about, 125
accessing extra in activity’s intent, 207
activities vs, 124
activity lifecycle and, 152
adding in code, 137
adding to FragmentManager, 148-152
adding to layout, 137
application architecture with, 153
arguments of, 209-211
as composable units, 124, 325
Callbacks interface, 326-334
compatibility and, 130-133
container view IDs, 149
container views for, 137, 321
creating, 139
creating from support library, 142
delegating functionality to activity, 326
hosting, 126, 136-138
implementing lifecycle methods, 143
inflating layouts for, 144
layout, 137
lifecycle diagram, 152
lifecycle methods, 152
lifecycle of, 136, 152
maintaining independence of, 209, 325
passing data between (same activity), 235
passing data with fragment arguments, 236
reasons for, 124, 125, 154
retaining, 414-417
rotation and, 414-416
setting listeners in, 145
starting activities from, 205
support libraries and, 130-133, 156
without support library, 156
UI flexibility and, 124
widgets and, 145
FragmentStatePagerAdapter class
about, 219
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