target SDK version, 116
targetSdkVersion, 116
about, 462
and Back button, 462
vs processes, 468, 470
starting new, 464-466
switching between, 462
temporal navigation, 260
TextView class
and tools:text, 96
example, 10
inheritance, 53
setText(int), 105
TextWatcher interface, 145
theme attribute, 426
about, 425-432
accessing attributes, 436
adding colors to, 428
modifying, 426
overriding attributes, 429-432
styles and, 203
background (see background threads)
main, 481
message queue, 503
processes and, 468
as sequence of execution, 481
UI, 481
TimeInterpolator class, 616
tinting, 428
Toast class, 25
toasts, 25, 26
action bar vs, 267
action views in, 526
app:showAsAction attribute, 251
features, 247
menu, 250
overflow menu, 251
tools:text attribute, 96
touch events, handling, 602-605
transformation properties
pivotX, 614
pivotY, 614
rotation, 614
scaleX, 614
scaleY, 614
translationX, 614
translationY, 614
translationZ, 664
transitions framework, for animation, 620
TypeEvaluator class, 617
UI fragments (see fragments)
UI thread, 482
unit testing
@Before annotation, 405
@Test annotation, 407
about, 399
Espresso tool, 417
Hamcrest tool, 402
vs integration testing, 404
JUnit testing framework, 403
matchers, 402
mock objects, 402, 406
Mockito tool, 402, 406
testing frameworks, 403
testing object interactions, 407
Up button, 260, 261
update(...) method, 279
Uri class, 311
Uri.Builder class, 484
URL class
for making URL from string, 478
openConnection(), 478
URLConnection class, 478
user interfaces
defined by layout, 2
for tablets, 317-329
laying out, 9-16
UUID.randomUUID() method, 134
variable names
conventions for, 35
prefixes for, 35
variables view, 82
versions (Android SDK) (see SDK versions)
versions (firmware), 113
View class
(see also views, widgets)
draw(), 606