Android Programming The Big Nerd Ranch Guide by Bill Phillips, Chris Stewart, Kristin Marsicano (

(gtxtreme123) #1

getBottom(), 613
getHeight(), 613
getLeft(), 613
getRight(), 613
getTop(), 613
invalidate(), 605
OnClickListener interface, 23
onDraw(Canvas), 606
onRestoreStateInstance(Parcelable), 608
onSaveStateInstance(), 608
onTouchEvent(MotionEvent), 602
setOnTouchListener(...), 602
subclasses, 9, 53
view components, 673-677
view hierarchy, 13
view layer, 37
view models, 390
view objects, 37
ViewGroup class, 13, 66
ViewHolder class, 168, 173, 458
ViewPager class
about, 217-225
internals of, 224
in support library, 219
adding in graphical editor, 190
creating custom views, 600
creation by RecyclerView, 167
custom, 600-602
invalid, 606
laying out in code, 225
persisting, 608
simple vs composite, 600
size settings, 188
touch events and, 602-605
using fully qualified name in layout, 601
ViewTreeObserver class, 316
virtual devices (see emulator)


web content
browsing via implicit intent, 585
displaying within an activity, 586
enabling JavaScript, 588
web rendering events, responding to, 589
WebChromeClient interface
about, 591

for enhancing appearance of WebView, 590
onProgressChanged(...), 591
onReceivedTitle(...), 591
WebSettings class, 589
WebView class
for presenting web content, 586
handling rotation, 593
WebViewClient class, 589
about, 9
attributes of, 13
Button, 10, 53
DatePicker, 232
defining in XML, 12-14
EditText, 139
FrameLayout, 66
ImageButton, 53
LinearLayout, 10, 13
margins, 202
padding, 202
references, 22
styles and, 422
from support library, 219
TextView, 10, 96
in view hierarchy, 13
as view layer, 37
wiring in fragments, 145
wiring up, 21
wrap_content, 14

-xhdpi, -xxhdpi, -xxxhdpi suffixes, 48
Android namespace, 13
referencing resources in, 51
XML drawables (see drawables)

Z values, 664
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