Yoga Anatomy
Dynamics of breathing 9 a wide section of the body. The uppermost part reaches the space between the third and fourth ribs, ...
10 yoga anatomy Upper attachments All the muscular fibers of the diaphragm rise upward in the body from their lower attach- ...
Dynamics of breathing 11 the thoracic cavity. Once the transverse septum is in this location, the muscular tissue of the dia ...
12 yoga anatomy As with all muscles, the contracting fibers of the diaphragm pull their two ends (the cen- tral tendon and t ...
Dynamics of breathing 13 The unfortunate result of this error is that many people receiving breath training who exhibit ches ...
14 yoga anatomy accessory Muscles of respiration Although there is universal agreement that the diaphragm is the principle m ...
Dynamics of breathing 15 The abdominal muscles that have the most direct effect on breathing are the ones that attach at the ...
16 yoga anatomy other accessory Muscles Chest, neck, and back muscles can increase the volume of the rib cage (see figures 1 ...
Dynamics of breathing 17 the other two DiaphraGMS Along with the respiratory diaphragm, breathing involves the coordinated a ...
18 yoga anatomy vocal Diaphragm The gateway to the respiratory passages is the glottis, shown in figure 1.21, which is not a ...
Dynamics of breathing 19 action that creates whispered speech; in yoga it’s known as ujjayi, the victorious breath (ud meani ...
20 yoga anatomy Figure 1.23b on page 19 pictures the same movement employing the glottal valve of ujjayi (E), which automati ...
Dynamics of breathing 21 This view of the body’s anatomical support mechanisms is completely in harmony with the perspective ...
2 CHAPTER YOGA AND THE SPINE A s the central nervous system, with its complex sensory and motor functions, evolved over millions ...
24 Yoga anatomY Figure 2.3 shows a parasitic worm with a flattened body, called a platyhelminth, and in it we see the developm ...
Yoga and the Spine 25 A straight spine, such as that of the fish if it were supported on four limbs, would be subjected to gravi ...
26 Yoga anatomY When creatures began to use their forelimbs to interact with their environment, the ability to bear weight on ...
Yoga and the Spine 27 Only a true biped requires both pairs of curves; our tree-swinging and knuckle-walking cousins have some c ...
28 Yoga anatomY After crawling and creeping like our quadruped ancestors, in order to bring our weight over our feet we must a ...
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