Yoga Anatomy

(Kiana) #1

Vrksasana Variation

With Arms Elevated


Superior gemellus

Obturator internus

Inferior gemellus

Adductor magnus

Flexor digitorum longus

Tibialis posterior

Flexor hallucis longus


Iliotibial band

Gluteus medius


This variation creates a higher center of gravity by placing the arms overhead and is there-
fore a more challenging balance for some. On the other hand, for other people, having the
arms extended makes the balance easier.


Because of the stabilizing action of the muscles that keep the arms overhead, the thoracic
movements of the breath might encounter more resistance in this position. In addition,
the higher center of gravity tends to produce a stronger stabilizing action in the abdomi-
nal muscles. Taken together, these factors combine to reduce the overall excursion of the

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