Yoga Anatomy

(Kiana) #1


Keeping the pelvis level in this action requires the standing leg abductors to lengthen while
they are active—gravity draws the unsupported side of the pelvis toward the floor. If the
abductors instead shorten, they tilt the pelvis so that the opposite hip lifts away from the
It can also be challenging to keep the lifted leg parallel, and using muscles that are exten-
sors and internal rotators such as the medial hamstrings and adductor magnus balance the
action of the gluteus maximus, which is both a powerful hip extensor and an external rotator.


Much like in utkatasana (page 78), the combined actions of this pose (especially with the
arms overhead) can engage some of the larger muscle groups of the torso. If the most
superficial layers of muscle in the back (such as the latissimus dorsi) are used to maintain
spinal alignment, they can inhibit the movement of the rib cage and make breathing even
more challenging. It is better to work more efficiently in the deeper muscles of the spine.

Muscular joint actions
Concentric contraction
To maintain alignment of spine:
Intertransversarii, interspinalis, transverso-
spinalis, erector spinae

To prevent anterior tilt of pelvis and overex-
tension of lumbar spine:
Psoas minor, abdominal muscles
Upper limbs
Concentric contraction
To upwardly rotate, abduct, and elevate
Upper trapezius, serratus anterior
To stabilize and flex shoulder joint:
Rotator cuff, coracobrachialis, pectoralis major
and minor, middle deltoid, biceps brachii
(short head)

To extend elbow:
Anconeus, triceps brachii

Lower limbs
Standing leg Lifted leg
Concentric contraction Eccentric contraction Concentric contraction
To keep knee in neutral
extension and balance on
single leg:
Articularis genu, quadriceps,
intrinsic and extrinsic
muscles of foot and lower

To control hip flexion:
To allow lateral shift of
pelvis over standing foot
for balance and to keep
pelvis level:
Gluteus medius and mini-
mus, piriformis, superior
and inferior gemellus

To maintain neutral hip exten-
sion and rotation:
Hamstrings, adductor magnus,
gluteus maximus

Virabhadrasana III (continued)

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