Yoga Anatomy

(Kiana) #1

Skeletal joint actions

Spine Upper limbsLower limbs

Front leg Back leg

Extension Scapular upward
rotation, abduc-
tion, and elevation;
shoulder flexion,
adduction, and
external rotation;
forearm supina-
tion; hand and
finger flexion

SI joint nutation, hip
flexion and exter-
nal rotation, knee
flexion, ankle plan-
tar flexion, foot

SI joint counternuta-
tion; hip extension,
internal rotation,
and adduction;
knee flexion; ankle
plantar flexion

Muscular joint actions


Concentric contraction Eccentric contraction

To extend spine:
Spinal extensors

To neutralize twist from
position of back leg:
Internal oblique (front leg side);
external oblique (back leg

To prevent hyperextension
at lumbar spine:
Psoas minor, abdominal

Upper limbs

Concentric contraction

To abduct, upwardly rotate,
and elevate scapula:
Serratus anterior, upper tra-
To stabilize, flex, and adduct
shoulder joint:
Rotator cuff, pectoralis major
(upper fibers), anterior del-
toid, biceps brachii (short

To rotate forearm and grasp foot:
Supinator and flexors of hand and fingers

Lower limbs

Front leg Back leg

Eccentric contraction Concentric contraction Passively lengthening

To resist hip flexion:
Hamstrings, piriformis, obtu-
rator internus, superior and
inferior gemellus

To create hip extension
and knee flexion:
To create hip extension, internal
rotation, and adduction:
Adductor magnus

Iliacus, psoas major, rectus

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