Yoga Anatomy

(Kiana) #1


What it takes to move into this pose is almost completely the opposite of what it takes to
remain in it. Lifting the weight of the body into spinal extension requires a strong, integrated
action of the arms and spinal extensors. Once past vertical, gravity pulls the weight of the
body into extension, so the trunk flexors must engage to prevent hyperextension. Based
on their balance of strength and flexibility in the extensor and flexor muscle groups, some
people may have the ability to get into full locust but not to sustain it, whereas others can’t
get there themselves but can stay there if assisted into the pose.

Skeletal joint actions
Spine Upper limbs Lower limbs
Extension Scapular downward rotation,
elevation, and abduction;
shoulder internal rotation,
flexion, and adduction;
elbow extension

SI joint counternutation, hip
extension and adduction,
knee extension, ankle plan-
tar flexion

Muscular joint actions
Eccentric contraction
To keep pelvis and leg from dropping
into floor:
Abdominal muscles, psoas minor

To prevent hypermobilizing of cervical
Anterior neck muscles
Upper limbs
Concentric contraction
To stabilize shoulder joint:
Rotator cuff
To abduct scapula:
Serratus anterior

To flex shoulder and lift body weight:
Pectoralis major, anterior deltoid,
biceps brachii, coracobrachialis

Lower limbs
Eccentric contraction
To keep leg from dropping behind head:
Psoas major, vastii

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