Crops from Seed,
and Greenhouse
Introduction 97
Lecture 1: Seed Biology, Germination, and Development: 99
Environmental Conditions and Cultural Requirements
Lecture 2: Managing Environmental Conditions— 105
Using Greenhouses to Optimize Seedling Production
Lecture 3: Heating, Cooling, Lighting, Irrigation, and 113
Climate Control Systems
Lecture 4: Soil Media, Fertility, and Container Formats 119
Demonstration 1: Greenhouse Management
Instructor’s Demonstration Outline 127
Demonstration 2: Propagation Media
Instructor’s Demonstration Outline 128
Demonstration 3: Sowing Seed
Instructor’s Demonstration Outline 129
Demonstration 4: Transplanting or “Pricking Out”
Instructor’s Demonstration Outline 130
Demonstration 5: Greenhouse Irrigation
Instructor’s Demonstration Outline 132
Demonstration 6: Seedling Development and
the “Hardening Off ” Process
Instructor’s Demonstration Outline 133