Teaching Organic Farming & Gardening

(Elle) #1


Making and Using


Introduction 297

Lecture 1: Making and Using Compost 299

Demonstration 1: Garden-Scale Compost Production

Instructor’s Demonstration 309

Students’ Step-by-Step Instructions 312

Hands-On Exercise: Build and Monitor a Compost Pile 317

Demonstration 2: Field-Scale Compost Production 319

Assessment Questions and Key 321

Resources 325


  1. Making Quality Compost at a Garden Scale 327

  2. Field-scale Compost Production: A Case Study 330

  3. Built on Compost: The Good Food Revolution 333
    at Growing Power


  1. Compost Time/Temperature Curve 335

  2. Compost Food Web 336

  3. C:N Ratio of Common Compost Materials 337

  4. Calculating C:N Ratios for Compost—A Rough Guide 338

  5. Compost Materials and Temperature Chart 339

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