Teaching Organic Farming & Gardening

(Elle) #1

Making & Using Compost

Part 1 – 320 | Unit 1.7


A. Field-Scale Compost Making

  1. Review compost-making process

a) Examine feedstocks

b) Discuss C:N ratios of various feedstocks

c) Discuss importance of supplying adequate moisture during the composting process

  1. Review temperature curves from past piles

  2. Discuss National Organic Program definition of compost and requirements for
    compost production and use

  3. Discuss importance of monitoring CO 2 levels as a guide for turning

  4. Discuss optimum and required temperatures

  5. Examine breathable tarp used for covering pile

  6. Review and discuss nutrient profile of laboratory analysis of finished compost

  7. Discuss indicators of compost quality and maturity (see J on page I-304 of the Lecture)

B. Equipment and Techniques for Windrowing, Turning, and Field Application of Compost

  1. Explain and demonstrate how feedstock is layered for initial mixing

  2. Explain and demonstrate how water is applied as necessary during the mixing process

  3. Explain and demonstrate how feedstock is run through spreader to form windrow

  4. Explain and demonstrate how compost pile is turned

  5. Demonstrate and discuss techniques used in field application of compost

  6. Discuss application rates of compost

Instructor’s Demonstration 2 Outline
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