Teaching Organic Farming & Gardening

(Elle) #1
Managing Plant Pathogens

Unit 1.9 | Part 1 – 391

U.S. Agriculture). As one campesino puts it, “I think
we should not fall in the trap of seeing the develop-
ment of agroecology by just looking at the physical
aspects of the farm or just at the economics. Agro-
ecology is not just a collection of practices. [It] is a
way of life.”

More information on farmer-to-farmer


Holt-Gimenez, Eric. 2006. Campesino a
Campesino: Voices for Latin America’s Farmer
to Farmer Movement for Sustainable Agricul-
ture. Oakland, CA: Food First Books.
Holt-Gimenez, Eric. 2001. Scaling up sustain-
able agriculture: Lessons from the Campesino a
Campesino movement. LEISA Magazine, Vol.
17 No. 3.

Supplement 1: The Importance of Farmer-to-Farmer Social Networks

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