Teaching Organic Farming & Gardening

(Elle) #1
Reading and

Interpreting Soil Test


Introduction 431

Lecture 1: Using a Soil Test to Assess Soil Quality 433

Lecture 2: Properties Measured in a Soil Analysis 437

Lecture 3: Applying Soil Amendments and Fertilizers 441

Demonstration 1: Taking a Soil Sample for Laboratory Analysis

Instructor’s Demonstration Outline 443

Students’ Step by Step Instructions 447

Demonstration 2: Nitrogen Budgeting

Instructor’s Demonstration Outline 445

Demonstration 3: Field Observations

Instructor’s Demonstration Outline 447

Assessment Questions and Key 453

Resources 456

Supplement 1: Soil Contamination and Urban Agriculture 459


  1. Sample Soil Analysis Reports 461

  2. Example of a Nitrogen Budget 465

  3. Nitrogen Budgeting Worksheet 466

  4. Optimal Nutrient Levels of Major Cations Based on CEC 467

  5. Nutrient Content of Common Fertilizers and Amendments 468

  6. Approximate Pounds/Acre of Nutrients Removed by 469
    Common Crops


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