Teaching Organic Farming & Gardening

(Elle) #1
Soil Biology & Ecology

Unit 2.3 | Part 2 – 101
Instructor’s Demonstration 1 Outline

Demonstration 1: Organic Matter Decomposition

in Litter Bags

for the instructor


To demonstrate the capacity of

different soils to decompose organic

matter, this exercise requires you

to bury cellulose disks (Whatman

filter paper) in a variety of locations.

This should be done at least two

weeks prior to the class to allow

decomposition to proceed before the

disks are retrieved on the day of the

class. To accelerate decomposition,

filter paper disks can be dipped in

a bucket of water with some fish

emulsion added just before burial.

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obtained from a local feed and seed supply. It is a 3/8-inch
polypropylene mesh. Cut the mesh into 6-inch x 12-inch
pieces, fold in half, then fold the edges over and staple
the edges shut. Other sources are the mesh bags that
bulbs are sold in, garlic or onion bags, or the mesh bags
that imported rice noodles are packed in. The smaller the
from the bag. This feature can be exploited by comparing
decomposition rates of organic matter buried in bags of
mesh will be decomposed primarily by microflora and
microfauna. Organic matter in larger mesh bags will also
be decomposed by larger fauna.

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A minimum of 3 bags should be placed in each
vermicompost bins, weedy borders, and on the soil
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