Three Mistakes of My Life by Chetan Bhagat

(avery) #1

Mama came running to our shop. 'Switch on the TV fast.'
'Two planes crashed into the World Trade Center Twin Towers located in New
York,' the BBC news channel reader said. The live visual was incredible even by
sci-fi movie standards. The hundred-storey tall twin towers had deep incisions in
the middle, like someone had cut through loaves of bread.
'Two planes in a row suggest a planned .terrorist attack,' a military intelligence
expert said on the TV. 'The world will never be the same again,' the Israeli prime
minister said.
We half-closed the shutters. Everyone in the temple gathered around TV sets
where the towers crumbled down again and again in replay. Smoke, soot and
concrete dust filled the streets of New York. Reports said thousands may be dead.
'What the...,' Ish said as he returned to the shop.
'Muslim terrorists, I guarantee you,' Mama said as his phone rang. He saw the
number and stood in attention.
'Parekh-ji?' Mama said, his voice subservient.
I couldn't hear Parekh-ji's words.
'I am watching it,' Mama said,'They are turning into a menace Yes, yes sir we
are ready for the elections Parekh-ji, yes,' Mama said, wiping sweat off his chest,
'Belrampur is not a problem ... yes, other neighbourhoods need work but you
know Hasmukh-ji. He doesn't spend as much time...'
Bittoo Mama stepped away from us. Parekh-ji gave him tips on the elections
next week.
Later at night, pictures of the first suspects were released. Four Muslim boys
had joined a flying school a few months back. They had hijacked the plane using
office box cutter knives and caused one of the most spectacular man-made
disasters of the world. A stick-thin old man called Bin Laden released an amateur
video, claiming it was all his big idea.
'What's up?' Omi asked Mama as he ended his call.
'Hasmukh-ji takes everything for granted. He doesn't pound the streets of his
'Parekh-ji is not happy?' Omi said.
'He is fine with me. He isn't too worried. The bye-election is only for two seats
in Gujarat The real elections are next year.'
'Mama, so next year,' Omi said and patted Mama's back, 'we will have an MLA
in the family.'
The temple bells rang to signify time for the final aarti. Omi and Mama stood
up to leave.
'I have to show Parekh-ji I deserve it. Winning this seat will help,' Mama said.
'You need any more help?' Omi asked. 'You already did so much,' Mama said
and kissed Omi, 'but we must put extra effort next week. Parekh-ji said these
attacks could work in our favour, Let's tell everyone at the puja.' They left the
shop and went inside the temple.
'Your phone flashed. Is it on silent?' Ish said. He collected all the invoices
scattered on the ground. We were closing the shop for the night.
'Oh, must be by mistake,' I said and picked it up, 'a supplier is sending me
I opened supplier Vidyanath's message.
when I study, I think kisses

u and only u, v misses
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