Three Mistakes of My Life by Chetan Bhagat

(avery) #1

'Fifteen thousand, you take your people and walk away,' I said.
This time my lure did not entice.
'Mama, he is trying to buy me,' the mini-leader screamed at the top of his voice.
'No, no you heard me wrong, what are you mad or something?' I said and
moved back towards the bank.
'What's going on Omi? Get the boy here,' Mama screamed.
Omi nodded to Mama. He went to the main door. The crowd remained at the
gate and only the porch separated us. However, the gate did not have a lock
Omi knocked on the main entrance. Ish opened it after confirming the person.
Both of them disappeared inside.
I stood alone with the rioters. They suspected me of offering bribes. I wanted to
run inside too. However, someone had to keep the crowd out.
'Are they getting him?' Mama asked me.
'I think so,' I said.
I offered to check inside as Mama asked twice. I went to the door and knocked.
Ish opened it for a nanosecond and I slipped inside.
I let out the loudest sigh ever. Ish bolted the door and blocked it with the sofa
from the waiting lounge.
'They are waiting. If one of us doesn't show up in two minutes, they will attack,'
I said.
'Ali woke up,' Omi said. 'Where is he?' I said.
'I locked him in the manager's room. How many people?' Ish said.
'Thirty,' I said. 'Let's fight,' Ish said.

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