Three Mistakes of My Life by Chetan Bhagat

(avery) #1

'My Dhiraj was also a child,' Mama said and went to the vault.
Ish sat on the floor. The man guarding him suffocated Ish with the trishul rod
around his neck.
'Don't touch him. He is national treasure,' Ish growled. The man suffocated him
'I'll pay you, whatever you want,' I said.
'Businessman, go sell your mother,' Mama said to me as he turned the wheel of
the vault.
'There is the bastard,' Mama said.
Mama yanked out Ali from the vault. His thin body in the white kurta pajama
shivered intensely. His smudged face told me he had been crying inside. Mama
grabbed Ali by the neck and raised him high in the air.
'Ish bhaiya,' Ali said as his legs dangled.
'The more innocent you look now, the bigger devil you will be in ten years,'
Mama said and brought Ali down. He released his grip on Ali's neck.
'Stop it Mama,' Omi said as Mama lifted his trishul.
'You won't understand,' Mama said and folded his hands to pray.
'Run Ali, run,' Ish screamed.
Ali tried to run out of the room. Mama opened his eyes. He ran after Ali and
jabbed the trishul into Ali's ankle.
Ali screamed in pain and fell down.
Mama kneeled down on the floor next to Ali.
'Don't you try and escape son of a bitch. I can kill you in one clean shot. If you
try to be clever I will cut each finger of yours one at a time. Understand?' Mama
roared. His eyes were red, the white barely visible.
Mama closed his eyes again and mumbled silent chants. He took his folded
hands to his forehead and heart and tapped it thrice. He opened his eyes and
lifted the trishul. Ali stood up and tried to limp away.
Mama lifted the trishul high to strike.
'Mama no,' Omi screamed in his loudest voice. Omi pushed the man blocking
him. He ran between Mama and Ali. Mama screamed a chant and struck.
'Stop Mama,' Omi said.
Even if Mama wanted to stop, he couldn't. The strike already had momentum.
The trishul entered Omi's stomach with a dull thud.
'Oh ... oh,' Omi said as he absorbed what happened first and felt the pain later.
Within seconds, a pool of blood covered the floor. Mama and his men looked at
each other, trying to make sense of what had occurred.
'Mama, don't do it,' Omi said, still unaware that the trishul blades had
penetrated five inches inside him.
'Omi, my son,' Mama said.
Omi writhed in pain as Mama yanked the trishul out.
I had never seen so much blood. I wanted to puke. My mind went numb. The
man who pinned Omi earlier now held Ali tight and came close to Mama. Mama
had Omi in his lap.
'Look you animal, what did you do,' Ish screamed. Ish had seen the scene from
behind. He never saw the trishul inside him. Only I had seen, and for years later
that image would continue to haunt me.
'Call an ambulance you dogs,' Ish screamed. Ish's captor held him super-tight.

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