Three Mistakes of My Life by Chetan Bhagat

(avery) #1

Ali put his free hand on Omi's chest. It moved up and down in an asymmetrical
Omi held Ali's hand and looked at me. His eyes looked weak. Tears ran across
my cheeks. I had no energy to fight the man holding me. I had no energy left to do
'Leave us you bastards,' I cried like a baby.
'You'll be fine my son, I didn't mean to,' Mama said as he brushed Omi's hair.
'He is a good boy Mama, he didn't kill your son. All Muslims are not bad,' Omi
said, his voice breaking as he gulped for breath.
'Love you friend,' Omi said as he looked at me, a line that could be termed
cheesy if it wasn't his last. His eyes closed.
'Omi, my son, my son,' Mama tried to shake him back to life.
'What? What happened?' Ish said. He had only witnessed the drama from
Mama put his head on Omi's chest. Ish started kicking and shoving the man
holding him. The man jabbed Ish with his elbow. Ish gripped his trishul rod and
pushed back hard until he could slip out. He gave the man a kick in his groin.
The man fell down as Ish kicked him again thrice in the same place. Ish pounded
his head with his foot until the man became unconscious. Ish ran to Omi.
Mama left Omi's body on the ground and stood up. Ish went over and touched
Omi's face. He had never touched a dead body before, let alone his friend's. I saw
Ish cry for the first time. He sniffed back hard but the tears wouldn't stop.
'See what you made me do you bastard,' Mama said, 'made me kill another
son. But I am not weak. I haven't cried yet, look.'
Ish ignored Mama. He went through the same numbness I did a few moments
ago. He touched Omi's body again and again.
'Hindus are not weak, am I weak?' Mama said as he turned to his men. The
men looked nervous, as things had not gone as planned. The man who held Ali's
arm looked at Mama, looking for guidance for the next step.
'Hold him back, next to this mother pimping businessman,' Mama said.
The man brought Ali next to me and held him back with a trishul.
Ish's captor had recovered from the groin attack. He woke up and ran to Ish
from behind. He struck the blunt end of the trishul on Ish's head.
'Ah!' Ish said in pain as he fell down, semi-conscious. The man dragged Ish
back to the wall. Ish faced Ali and me.
'No more chances,' Mama said as he came in front of Ali. Mama asked Ali's
captor to release him. I looked at Ish, around fifteen feet away. His captor looked
extra-alert. Ish looked at me. His eyes tried to tell me something.
What? I asked myself, What is he trying to say?
I squinted my eyes to look at Ish. He moved his eyeballs from centre to left in
quick succession. He wanted me to run out and block Mama. Just the way Omi
had, unsuccessfully.
I examined my captor. He blocked me but his eyes watched Mama and Ali. It is
hard to take your eyes of a live murder. I could slip out. However, what was the
point of getting killed?
'Get ready you pig,' Mama said as he lifted his trishul and took five steps back.
Maybe I could extract myself and try to pull Ali towards me. That way Mama's
strike could hit the wall. Ish could push his captor away, come from behind and
protect us all. Is that what Ish had tried to say? I had limited data beyond the eye

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