Three Mistakes of My Life by Chetan Bhagat

(avery) #1

'Yeah, but,' Ish boxed his left palm with his right, 'imagine what would happen
if we could have this kind of training in India.'
'Cricket would be finished. India would dominate and teams like us would be
nowhere. At least for now we can call ourselves "legend".' Fred hooked his fingers
around the last word.
Ali did bat the following days. Every bowler went through the shock of being
slammed for sixes. However, Ali kept the showbiz low and played a steady game.
He crossed fifty runs in a couple of innings. On Friday morning Ali hit the ball for
a defensive shot. The ball didn't go far. Ali decided to stay at the crease.
'Run, it is a single,' Ish urged from the boundary line.
'Run Ali,' Ish said again. Ali looked surprised at the instruction hut ran.
'Faster,' Ish screamed, 'don't sleep.'
Ali ran faster as the fielder returned the ball to the bowler.
'Jump,' Ish said. Ali dived. He made the crease but fell with his full body weight
coming down on his left ankle. As everyone rushed towards him, he lay on the
ground clenching his teeth and holding back tears.
'Oh, get up. No time for drama,' Ish said.
'Easy, mate,' Fred said to Ish and signalled for a physio. Within minutes, a
paramedic arrived and placed an ice pack on Ali's swollen ankle.
'Lucky it is not a fracture or dislocation. Looks like a ligament got some wear,
mate,' the physio said, applying painkillers and wrapping a crepe bandage. Ali
leaned on the physio as he tried to hobble. 'Give the game a rest for two days.
You'll be fine.'
'Don't worry, he'll play in a few hours,' Ish said with a sheepish expression.
Guilt bubbled up his eyes.
'Everyone,' Fred clapped his hands, 'let's sit down.'
We sat down on the pitch around Fred in a circle.
'You are big boys and tough players. You want to give it your all. But I can't
emphasise it enough - respect your body's limits
'I do,' Ish said, feeling compelled to speak, 'but there was a single there. And
that is what we Indians miss. We don't want to dive. We don't want to take risks.'
'The game is not about being macho. You can't get caught up in the moment so
much that you forget.'
'Forget what?' I said.
'Forget that you got one fragile body. Lose it, and you are gone, You must
safeguard it. And Ish, you must protect your student.'
Ish hung his head low.
'I had just started my career when my nasty back almost finished it,' Fred said.
'I'd have been selling suits at a store for the rest of my life, as that is the only job I
could get.'
He added, '1 made the same mistakes, wanting to kill myself for the game I
played that day. But if you want a career, think long term. Yes, passion is
important. But the head has to be clear during the match.'
Ish apologised to Fred later in the locker room. 'I'd never let Ali get hurt.'
'The kid is good. I have a little surprise for him. You leave Sunday evening,
'Yes, in two days,' Ish said.'Can't believe the week went by so fast.'
'Sunday breakfast is on me. I want you guys to meet someone important.'

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