Gardens Outdoor Fine Woodworking

(Jacob Rumans) #1
2x4 front legs, 301
⁄ 2 in. tall

1x4 with beveled
ends, 69 in. long

The first six
2x4s of the work
surface are
72 in. long.

The rear 2x4 of
the work surface is
66 in. long.

1x6 bottom shelf,
645 ⁄ 8 in. long

9¼ in.
1x6 dividers, long
6 in. long

1x6 end pieces,
16 in. long

1x6 top shelf,
72 in. long


2x3s in

2x4 front apron,
69 in. long

The upper-shelf unit
slides down onto the
work surface.

20½ in.

rear legs,
4 ft. long

2x4 lower
19 in. long

Notch the
front 2x4s to
fit around the
front legs.

2x4 front and rear
rails, 66 in. long

Building the bench

The overall directions for the potting bench are simple, and you can modify the design according to your needs
or style. Myles added boards to the back of the top shelves, for example, to keep things from falling off, but that’s optional.
He also cut the lower supports and ends of the top shelf on an angle to break up all of the straight lines. When assembling
the upper-shelf unit, it’s best if the four dividers do not line up with the two supports below. That way, you avoid having to
drive in the screws at an angle.

2x4 front legs,
30½ in. long

18 FINE woodworkINg Drawings: Gary Williamson

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